Anonymous Type Example in C# | Anonymous object | C# Bangla Tutorial | Advanced C#

Anonymous Type

In C#, an anonymous type is a type (class) without any name that can contain public read-only properties only. It cannot contain other members, such as  methods, events, etc.You create an anonymous type using the new keyword with an object initializer syntax. The implicitly typed variable- var is used to hold the reference of anonymous types.

var student = new {
                  Id = 1,
                  FirstName = "Md",
                  LastName = "Rasel",
                  Address = "Dhaka"


Important Points

1. It is derived from System.Object class.
2. It also has intelligence support in Visual Studio.
3. It can contain one or more read-only properties.
4. You can also create an anonymous type array.
5. It is of reference type.

1. It does not contain class members such as events, methods, etc.
2. The expression that used to initialize properties are not null, anonymous method, or a pointer type.
3. It cannot be cast to any other type except an object.
4. You are not allowed to create a field, property, event, or return type of a method is of anonymous type.
5. You are not allowed to declare formal parameters of a method, property, constructor, indexer as a anonymous type.

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