Conditional Statement In C#

Conditional Statement

A conditional statement allows you to control the flow of your application by selecting the statement that
is executed, based on the value of a Boolean expression. Syntax:
a. If(boolean-expression) statement
b. If(boolean-expression) statement1
else statement2
c. If(boolean-expression) statement1
else if(boolean-expression) statement2
else statement3
Example 01:
bool condition;
if (condition == true)
Console.WriteLine("condition is true");

else if (condition == false)

Console.WriteLine("condition is false");

Console.WriteLine("unknown value");


d. If((boolean-expression) operator (boolean-expression)) statement
if (scoreOutOfHundred >= 60 && scoreOutOfHundred < 80)
return "A+";
e. (boolean-expression) ? (statement1) : (statement2)
bool value = true;
Console.WriteLine(value ? "True Value" : "False Value");

Exmaple 02:
using System;
namespace HelloWorldApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Please enter English Score : ");
int englishScore = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string result = String.Empty;
if (englishScore > 100 || englishScore< 0)
result = "You have entered wrong number . Please check and try again";
else if (englishScore >= 50)
result = "Congratulation , You have Passed";
result = "Sorry , You have Failed and try again";

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